Impact of Agriculture and Tourism on economic growth of Pakistan


  • Shehreen Gull1 , Rabea2 NCBA&E, Multan


This study examined the impact of agriculture and tourism on economic
growth of Pakistan. To explore the relationship between dependent variables
Gross Domestic Product Growth and independent variables agricultural
crops, labour force participation rate, domestic investment, international
tourism arrivals, carbon emission. The annual time series data used from 1995
to 2021. In this research study, Breusch-Godfrey Serial Correlation LM Test,
Heteroskedasticity Test: Breusch-Pagan has been applied to check the
stationary of the data. The study applied Variance Inflation Factors (VIF) to
check the multicollinearity of the variables. The study also applied Ordinary
Least Square (OLS) method to co-integration and to estimate the relationship
between dependant variable and independent variables. The results of OLS
method shows that there is a positive and significant impact of agricultural
crops, international tourism arrivals, carbon emission, domestic investment
and labour force participation rate on economic growth of Pakistan.




How to Cite

Shehreen Gull1 , Rabea2. (2022). Impact of Agriculture and Tourism on economic growth of Pakistan . Meritorious Journal of Social Sciences and Management (E-ISSN# 2788-4589 | P-ISSN#2788-4570), 5(1). Retrieved from