Information For Authors

Author GuidelinesFor Meritorious Journal of Social Sciences & Management

The author Guidelines include the bibliographic and formatting standards alongsideexamples of common citation formats to be used in submissions.

  1. Meritorious Journal of Social Sciences & Management considers manuscripts submitted via Open Journal System (OJS).
  2. Authors are required to get registered via Open Journal System prior to submission of manuscript.
  3. Once registered, authors are advised to follow the submission guidelines and ensureto have formatted the manuscript according to the APA format of Articles (7th-manual).
  4. Once the manuscript is received online (OJS), the desk Chief Editor will filter themanuscript in the light of Author-Guidelines. Based on the desk review, themanuscript is either sent back to the author(s) for further modifications or sent forreview.
  5. It is author(s)’ responsibility to ensure that, the manuscript neither has been published nor submitted for publication either in parts or as a whole.
  6. Manuscripts must be written in clear, concise, grammatically correct language, andformatted according to APA (American Psychological Association) Style(approved by HEC).
  7. APA suggests font = Times New Roman; Font-Size =12; Line-Spacing =1.15; Margins=1 Inch All Sides.
  8. There must be 8-12 pages per Article Title Page. The title page should includean informative title, author's name, and complete mailing address includingPostal & Online - email, Telephone & Fax No. (First author will be taken forcorrespondence).
  9. Abstract: The abstract includes a brief summary of the problem, researchdesign, major findings and conclusions (max: 1000 Characters or 200 Words).
  10. Main-Body: The text should be divided into sections with the followingheadings:
  11. Introduction: This section provides sufficient background information toset the context of the issue with clear mention of objectives behind theresearch.
  12. Literature Review: This section provides the background information about the research variables and their inter-relationships based upon theexisting research/literature.

iii. Research Design: Concise but with sufficient detail to allow replication ofmethodology.

  1. Findings/Results: Present them in logical sequence through paragraphs, tables &figures but avoiding repetition. The tables, figures etc., must beplaced at where used and not as annexures.
  2. Discussions: Interpret results and relate them with existing knowledgerelating to the methods and results of the respective area of research.
  3. Conclusions: A short but pointed evaluation of the research activity andfindings.

vii. As per instructions of HEC, MJSSM follows the APA Editorial Style therefore; thereferencing will be done as:

  1. The "Embeded" reference (within text): (2nd name of the Author, year) in caseof Book, page no will follow the year–Year: 324) (Author, 2010) Single-Author(Author-1 & Author-2, 2011) Two-Authors (Author et al., 2012) More than TwoAuthors (Note. All the authors will be mentioned when reference is made for the first time) References are those sources which are USED within text (embedded).


  1. They will be placed at the end the manuscript in alphabetical order and formatted as follows: Journal Articles Qureshi, Q. A., Ahmad, I., & Nawaz, A. (2012). Readiness for eHealth in the developing countries like Pakistan. GomalJournal of Medical Sciences, 10(1):160- 163.


  1. Noor, A. A., Memon, A. G., &Sherwani, S. K. (2012). Dose response curve of plants extracts against the human pathogens. Gomal University Journal ofResearch, 27(2):1-17.
  2. Zubair, M., Gilani, I. S., & Nawaz, A. (2012). From Habermas Model to New

Public Sphere: A Paradigm Shift. Global Journal of Human Social Science,12(5):42-52.

  1. Book Yin, R. (1994). Case study research: Design and methods (2nd ed.).Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publishing. Kothari, CR (1986). Quantitative techniques.VIKAS Publishing House, New Delhi.
  2. Chapter Lyon, R. A., &Titeler, M. (1989). Pharmacology and biochemistry ofthe 5-HT2 receptor. In: Sanders-Bush, E. (ed). The Serotonin Receptors. Clifton,NJ: Humana Press: pp. 59-88.
  3. Thesis/Dissertation Sattar, A. (2011). Job satisfaction of District ExecutiveOfficers in KPK. (PhD Thesis). Department of Public Administration, GomalUniversity, Dera Ismail Khan, KPK, Pakistan.
  4. WebSite Material Healthy People 2011, Office of Disease Prevention and HealthPromotion, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Retrieved on Dec 5,2014 from:
  5. Tables and Figures Tables and Figures should be placed within text whereverthey are used, mentioned or discussed.

Interested in submitting to this journal? We recommend that you review the About the Journal page for the journal's section policies, as well as the Author Guidelines. Authors need to register with the journal prior to submitting or, if already registered, can simply log in and begin the five-step process.